Greek Lemon Marinade


Today is going to be short and sweet as I am only going to share a quick marinade that will elevate your chicken to the next level. Thanks to this marinade you’ll never think of grilled chicken as a dull meal.

If you’ve been to Greece, you’ll probably have tasted it as most souvlaki places will use this marinade for their chicken skewers.
I call this “The Greek marinade” and the main ingredients are lemon, olive oil, oregano and garlic. The ratio between ingredients is not fixed as this is one of the classic non-written recipes that all families use in some way.

I made chicken skewers and paired them with Tzatziki. Funnily enough Tzatziki was one of my first posts here ( ).




1 cup of olive oil
3 lemons
Zest of 1 lemon
3 cloves garlic pressed or minced
1 handful of dried oregano
1 handful of thyme
2 tsp salt
1tsp of freshly ground black pepper

Step by Step

  • Mix the olive oil with the lemon juice in a bowl. Add in the minced garlic & the rest of the ingredients and mix well

  • Add the chicken in the bowl and let it rest from a minimum of 30 minutes to 3 hours

  • If you are making skewers, put them together after the marinating the chicken

  • Grill the chicken as you normally would in a griddle pan. While the chicken is cooking you can brush it with the marinade

Tips & cheats

When your marinade is very acidic like this one, try not to go overboard with the marinating time as it might toughen your meat. This type of marinade is mainly meant to infuse flavour and not necessarily to tenderise the meat although the salt will help to break it down a bit

If you are grilling the chicken you can use a bunch of dried oregano to brush the chicken

Enjoy & don’t forget to pair it with Tzatziki!


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