Greek Potato Salad


Everyone loves a good potato salad, and the best part is that it’s one of those dishes that you can prepare without putting too much effort. All you need is mayo, something acidic like pickles, a little bit of onion, and you are good to go.

This recipe follows this principle and is quite simple, but it shows how with a few extra ingredients you can elevate some dishes to a whole new level.

It’s a salad but it’s not green, I like it.
— Phil

He does have a point. Technically it’s more a side dish than a salad.




750g potatoes

1 tbsp mild mustard

60 g mayonnaise

60g greek yoghurt

zest of 1 lemon

1/2 tbsp honey

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp vinegar

30g capers

30g olives

1 spring onions

1 handful of dill

1 tsp paprika

Salt & pepper

Cooking time & people

40min to prepare

Step by step

  • Cook the potatoes in boiling water with the skin on. They are ready when you can easily pierce them with a fork; this should take 30 to 40 minutes depending on their size

  •  Set them aside until they cool down, that’s when you’ll want to peel them

  •  In a separate bowl mix the mayo, yoghurt, oil, lemon zest, honey, vinegar, mustard and paprika

  •  If you haven’t already, peel the potatoes and roughly cut them into medium/small pieces

  •  Add the potatoes in the bowl and mix well

  •  Add the sliced spring onion, a chopped handful of dill, olives and capers. Season to taste with salt and pepper and mix well

  • Cover your bowl and let it rest in the fridge for at least a couple of hours before you eat it. You definitely don’t want to serve a warm potato salad


Tips & cheats

This is best enjoyed cold and it’s one of those dishes that gets better with time. Plan to make it a couple of days in advance and simply let it rest in the fridge.

The balance with the acidic elements of the dish is subtle. The lemon zest and vinegar can make or break the dish. In order to achieve the perfect balance between all the ingredients you have to make sure you taste more than once when mixing.

Don’t be afraid to slightly adjust quantities based on your taste.


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