Squash Soup with Crispy Chili Chickpeas


Soup season has officially begun and I couldn’t be happier. The great thing with veggie soups is that they are easy to improvise and quick to prepare.

When I make a soup I always like to add an element of crunchiness on top, otherwise I feel I’ve had a drink instead of a meal. Croutons or fried breadcrumbs are the classic option or you can opt for something different and more exciting such as chickpeas.

Crunchy chickpeas are a very common snack in Greece and every-time I come across them, I just can’t stop eating them. With these in mind, I thought that a slightly amended version of Greek Crunchy Chickpeas be just perfect perfect with my delicate squash soup.


A soup without a crunchy topping is basically a drink


1 Butternut Squash (medium)
1 tin of chickpeas
1 big glass of veg stock
Olive oil (enough to cover a non-stick pan)
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
2 tbsp of flour

It takes 15min to prep +30min cooking time and it serves 4people

Step by Step

  • Peel and dice the squash and put it aside

  • Strain and wash the chickpeas. Dry them very well and toss them in a bowl along with the paprika, flour, rosemary, salt and pepper.

  • Put the chickpeas directly on a baking tray and bake them in a pre-heated over at 200C for 30min

  • In a deep pan add olive oil and sauté the onion with the chili

  • Add the squash in the pan, season and let it cook for a few minutes

  • Add the stock in the pan and bring to boil. As soon as it start boiling, lower the heat, cover with a lid and let cook for 20 to 30min

  • When the squash is soft, the soup is ready to be blended. Once blended, adjust seasoning

  • Serve in a deep plate placing the crunchy chickpeas on top, drizzle with olive oil and fresh chili flakes


Tip & cheats

To achieve really crispy chickpeas you have to make sure you wash them and dry as much as you can. Make also sure you add them in a pre-heated oven that has reached the 200C temperature.

If you want a different option to chickpeas you can use thin strips of prosciutto cooked in a non stick pan until they are crispy. You will not need any additional fat to cook them. The same applies to bacon which is a great topping alternative.

Always season your soup at the beginning and always taste your soup after you’ve blended it to make adjustments.



Polpette al Sugo


Squash & Goat Cheese Ravioloni in Brown Butter Sauce